The Start

The birth of your first son should be a momentous occassion. One you'll remember forever. I will. To see him grow from a 2.05kg (very small) baby, seeing him sit up, babble, stand up, walk. All these things a father should see. it would make me so proud. i won't see that. Why? The Russians, that's why. I am not Russian, my wife is. We did not meet through a dating agency, she did not marry me for a chance to escape the 'rodina'. We met in a nightclub, both drunk, both having a good laugh with our respective friends. 2 years later i left Russia to work in this country, she followed, we married, she had our first child. . . . . . . . And that's where the fairytale ends
i'm so glad for you both...i recently got ripped off for over £10,000 by scum from Russia,they were supposed to be travel agents in money went through the Alfa Bank in Moscow..i am disabled with no income and these scum bags drained my bank account and there is nothing i can do and i can find no one to help me i think the statement that Russians are cunts is true...only robbing should be inserted as well..
they really are cunts aren't they
Especially the Ruasian gold digger dyke cunt skank bitch turd women! They ARE all greedy man hating DYKES who only want MONEY! That entire country should be nuked to fuckin death! They really ARE all SHIT! I am NYC-USA born and raised, and I was raised that they ARE OUR ENEMY! Than comes down the walls and were supposed to like them now and just let them come on into the states and shit it up just like the niggers, spics, albanians and chinks do! The ruskie pieces of shit that come into the USA are by FAR the rudest, meanest, rottenest sacks of shit ever spawned! That entire shithole NEEDS To die! Fuck Russian! Even their "pretty" women ARE all man hating dykes! They LOVE to HATE on Americans and say how plastic and fake we are, meanwhile 80% of their whores ARE plastic surgery queens with nose jobs, lip injections, fake hair, blue contact lenses, giant retarded looking implants, etc! FUck them all, they ARE all SHIT and should be flushed like the giant turds they are! They have absolutely NO class, no morals and NO common decency!
Kicking a pregnant woman and killing an unborn child is a bit harsh... who am I kidding... I would love to do that only if those retard wouldn't put in the prison thus making me stay there for longer... I promised since my childhood to myself that I will never put my ass into that fucking country. They are cunt baskets like no one else.. When I was a kid I didn't knew why I hated them so much but as I grew up my hatred grew and reasons revealed themselves.. Cock sucking cunt baskets..
I feel your pain
Yup this guy is right, they can't do anything right...too bad the germans didn't win the battle of stalingrad and finish off these useless morons
Aaaaaaaand it would seem YOU need a lesson in grammar. But yes, i overall agree with every word you wrote!!
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